All the Details
Since the beginning, I’ve focused on channeling creativity and connection into designs that invite change and transformation. I care deeply about the work I do, and the relationships I build with clients and collaborators. I firmly believe in working together to design a peaceful and prosperous future. If you’re interested in learning more about me or my work, feel free to reach out.​

In recent years, I have been taking dance lessons (to add some technique to what has formally been reserved for kitchens and weddings), and learning a lot about what makes a dance successful. These lessons are also fundamental to UXD (User Experience Design), and what I like to call UXC (User Experience Change). Dancing teaches you:
Stay connected with your partner
In every dance there is at least one, if not multiple connection points. To have a connection, you have to know where your partner is at. If you don’t establish the connection in the beginning or you lose it along the way, you won’t dance well. At best, one partner is pleased with themselves, and the other partner is left floundering to reconnect.
Your partner is not the problem
There are some days where you won’t dance well with your partner. Something is just off, and you won’t be clear about what the problem is, or how to fix it. When this happens, it is easy to want to blame your partner. Identifying the problem accurately requires that you ask more questions, and make less judgements.
Practice, Practice, Practice
Every dance teacher I've had mentions practice, and for good reason. If you only practice once a week in dance class, and then sign yourself up for a dance competition; odds are you won’t perform very well. However, if you practice regularly with your partner, and you work together to iron out the missteps prior to competition day, when it's finally show time you are more likely to dazzle them all.
These lessons transcend the borders of the dance floor, and materialize in the user experience design work that is making and breaking businesses today. Bridging the gap between business goals, and users' needs is a dance that requires the right amount of tension and togetherness.
If you’re interested in bridging that gap, or learning to dance, send an email my way.
We experienced first hand Kailee's magical interior design eye. She was tasked with giving us ideas on how to decorate our "new to us home". Kailee took the time to listen, and find out what our style prefernces were. She then researched and shared ideas, and suggested decor that matched our taste. If you are wanting to make changes to the interior of your home or office, contact Kailee. You won't be disappointed!
Kailee redesigned the layout and decor of our office space. After spending time listening to what we wanted and needed, she came up with creative ideas, and used a variety of items she found or had made to create a space that is both functional and beautiful. She took her time and included fun details. Our office space went from feeling like a cave, to being welcoming and inviting!