Whether moving out, moving in, or just moving through life it's a good idea to start with the essentials..the same is true when designing your home. Here are 3 things you need to really start feeling at home with your house, and yourself.

A Chair
To sit and reflect on your day. To rest. To curl up with a good book. A space to listen, and learn. A soft place to land at the end of each day.
A Mirror
To see yourself and those who stand behind you. Look long and hard at the person looking back at you, what do you think? What do they think of you? A mirror is one of the best places to "check yourself before you wreck yourself."
A Lamp
To turn on when things get dark. To turn a cold atmosphere warm. What's your lamp? The place you go inside yourself to turn on the light again. What's the thing that if it all went dark this hope would still shine through?